IEEEXtreme 14.0 Registration Opens on 3 August 2020

The IEEEXtreme Committee, a Subcommittee of the Student Activities Committee (SAC), has announced that IEEEXtreme 14.0 is proceeding as planned for its annual competition on 24 October 2020. Registration for coders will be opening on 3 August 2020.
IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members – advised and proctored by an IEEE member, and often supported by an IEEE Student Branch – compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.
As a global competition, IEEEXtreme is always virtual. Typically, students would compete with their team and their proctor in the same location, in most cases at their local Student Branch. This year, the IEEEXtreme committee will allow the proctored teams to compete using online Video Conferencing Platforms. The committee will be doing its best to keep teams engaged throughout the 24-hours.
The Xtreme competition was created in 2006 by Marko Delimar and Ricardo Varela who at the time were with the IEEE Student Activities Committee. The first IEEEXtreme 1.0 competition was held in 2006 with a global participation of 44 teams and 150 contestants. The numbers more than tripled the second time it was held in 2008 to 130 teams with 500 participants. The iteration of IEEEXtreme 13.0 in 2019, enjoyed the registration of over 4,000 teams and participation of 9,500+ student competitors, 900+ proctors and 1,000+ volunteers.

Standing (From Left to Right): Enrico Julian, Teo Vern Sin, Tan Lay Yan, Sayed Hashim, Raza Ali, Dr. Haroon Rashid, Haitham Mohamed Wadah, Mohammad Ahsan Habib Lim Shin Wei, Nazurah Asfan, Mohammad Asnahaniff bin Mohd Rizal, Afrie Irham bin Akram
Sitting (From Left to Right): Sia Sim Cheong, Chee Wai Xiong, Chin Jia Xiong
Venue: Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia
SB Ambassador: Raza Ali
Country Representative, Section Lead & Proctor: Dr. Haroon Rashid
Proctoring & Plagiarism:
Despite this year’s potential need for remote team collaboration and proctoring, team members must solve and complete the problems without assistance from others. The Xtreme committee utilizes plagiarism testing methods specific for this application following the competition each year.
Please note that the intent and spirit of the competition is for the students, not others, to solve all problems. Proctors must guard against plagiarism in keeping with the IEEE Code of Conduct.
Proctors must be a member of IEEE (not a student or graduate student member). The role of proctor is also important primarily to ensure the students are having fun. Additional best practices would include:
- Monitoring the general flow of the activity
- For this year in particular should proctors be remote from their teams, occasional check-ins via Zoom or Skype or similar platform should be enabled
- Informing students when the competition begins, in the middle of it, when there are six hours left, and when one hour of competition remains
- Ensuring that no one external to the team members helps or assists the student participants in resolving the problems in any way
Members interested in becoming a Proctor or participating as a coder may register here
Eligibility to Compete:
- All participants must be IEEE members (Student member or Graduate Student member-only) to register and compete in the competition. IEEE membership numbers are required
- Participants compete as part of a team of up to three IEEE Student or Graduate Student members. Teams should only include a maximum of two Graduate Student members per team
- Though more fun to compete with teammates, one member teams are allowable
- Universities and colleges can have multiple teams
- Each team must have a proctor to supervise during the 24-hour programming competition