IEEEXtreme 17.0 Team
IEEEXtreme Executive Committee

Adwaith S
Committee Chair
Adwaith S
Adwaith is a student at Central University of Karnataka, India pursuing integrated Btech -Mtech course in power and energy engineering. He had joined IEEEXtreme family in the year 2018 as an ambassador and then served as section lead for Bangalore section in the year 2019 and currently serving as Region 10 lead for IEEEXtreme14.0 PR team. Other major activities which he did at IEEE include: Student Activities Committee (SAC) member – IEEE Bangalore Section 2020 PES day Ambassador 2020 PES day Ambassador 2019 Chair, IEEE PES Chapter Central University of Karnataka 2019,2020 Vice Chair, IEEE Student Branch Central University of Karnataka 2020 Secretary, IEEE Student Branch Central University of Karnataka 2018, 2019

Luis Fernandes
Committee Vice Chair
Luis Fernandes
Dr. Luis A. Fernandes received a degree in Applied Physics in 2006, and a Ph.D. in Physics in 2012, from the Faculty of Science at the University of Porto, Portugal.
In 2008 he was awarded a Ph.D. fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, to pursue his thesis entitled “Birefringence and Bragg grating control in femtosecond laser written optical circuits.” His doctoral work was researched in collaboration with the Photonics Group at the University of Toronto, where he became a postdoctoral fellow in 2013. From 2013 to 2018 he worked as a senior optical scientist at OZ Optics Ltd. At the end of 2018 he joined VIAVI Solutions Inc. as a senior optical designer.
He served as a member of the board of the University of Toronto SPIE Student Chapter from 2010 to 2013 and is a member of the IEEE, SPOF, SPF, OSA, and SPIE.
As a student, he participated in the IEEEXtreme competition in 2009, 2010, and 2012 and since 2014 he has served as a volunteer in the quality assurance team. In 2018 he joined the IEEEXtreme Executive Committee as Technical Judges Lead.

Dr. Jeremy Blum
Technical Lead
Dr. Jeremy Blum

Robert Sacks
IEEE Staff, Program Specialist, Student Activities
Robert Sacks
As a member of the Student and Young Professionals Staff of the Member and Geographic Activities Department of IEEE, he supports the Executive Committee of IEEEXtreme as well as several other committees.

Varghese Babu
Ambassador Program lead
Varghese Babu
Graduate in Engineering from Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Currently working as an Associate Software Engineer at Keyvalue Software Systems. Volunteered in IEEE as an execom member in IEEE MACE SB and in IEEEXtreme as an ambassador for the past two years

Cybele Ghanem
Design and Social Media team lead
Cybele Ghanem
Cybele Ghanem is a Computer and Telecommunications Engineer from the Lebanese University Faculty of Engineering II Roumieh, with a Research Masters degree in Telecommunications, Networking and Cyber security. She is currently part of the Operations Team at Invigo Offshore as a Support and Implementation Engineer.
Cybele joined IEEE in 2016 and has been an active volunteer ever since. Her involvement with IEEEXtreme first started in IEEEXtreme15.0 as Lebanon Section Lead ambassador. She also was part of the PR Strategy Team of IEEEXtreme16.0, and is now the Social Media Lead for IEEEXtreme17.0.
Cybele holds multiple positions in IEEE and was recently appointed as IEEE Day 2023 Chair. Cybele was also elected the Student Activities Representative of Lebanon Section, as well as the Treasurer of the IEEE Young Professionals Lebanon. She joined the IEEE YP Climate and Sustainability Task Force in January and was appointed as a member in the Region 8 Climate Change Adhoc Committee. She is also currently the Ambassadors Lead for IEEE YESIST12, Advertising Team Lead for IEEE Students Virtual Speakers Bureau and Lead IEEE Puzzler Volunteer.

Craig Scratchley
Rules Lead
Craig Scratchley
Dr. W. Craig Scratchley is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Scratchley received a Ph.D. in Engineering from Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and has worked in companies ranging from a large multinational corporation (IBM) to a Silicon Valley .com startup ( Dr. Scratchley is the Counselor for the IEEE Student Branch at Simon Fraser University, has twice proctored IEEEXtreme, and feels honored to be helping to organize this year’s competition.

Omar Bishtawi
Omar Bishtawi
Omar Bishtawi is a computer engineering student in his final year at An-Najah National University.
My main expertise and field of work are on the web development field firstly then machine learning. He worked as a salesforce administrator and a full-stack web developer at dawsat health company since 2017.
Along the way, he made a lot of achievements in his life and won a lot of national and international levels in tech and entrepreneurship like (STEP2014, MADI2012, business plan competition by intel Palestine level 2012, best IEEE student branch contest 2018,best volunteer at AINC 2018 ).
He also held more than one voluntary position during his college live like :
- IEEE ANNU student branch webmaster
- IEEE MGA SAC Awards Committee member
- IEEEXtreme 14.0 executive committee website co-lead
- AIN ANNU branch vice president and tresurer
And he started participating in the IEEEXtreme competition since Xtreme 11.0 either as a contestant or as a volunteer.

Prasanth Mohan
Sponsorship Co Lead + advisory member
Prasanth Mohan
Prasanth is a Computer Science and Engineering Graduate from Anna University. He works with REDD (R&D Company) as Associate Engineer. He Heads the Operations for 3Ding (3D Printing Division of REDD) where he is primarily responsible for acquisition of new products based on Market interest and demand, Building Sales & Marketing Strategies, Customer Relations & Satisfaction.
He is associated with IEEE for the last 5 years and organized more than 140+ events. Prasanth is a recipient of Richard E Merwin Scholarship from Computer Society and Larry K Wilson Student Volunteer Award (Runner-Up).
Prasanth is a part of IEEEXtreme Programming Competition since 2012. He is the founding Chair of IEEEXtreme Public Relation Committee involved in program outreach and identifying feedbacks for improvements. He introduced the Student Ambassadors Program and engaged more than 340+ Student Ambassadors which played a crucial role in the growth of the competition. He is currently the Program Chair for IEEEXtreme 11.0

Dimitrios Lyras
Advisory Member
Dimitrios Lyras
Dr. Dimitrios Lyras was born in Kozani, Greece. He received his diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering and his Ph.D. in Data Mining and Deductive Logic Reasoning from the University of Patras, Greece. Currently he is working as Principal Data Scientist at SAP. He has paired concrete hands-on working experience in Software Engineering with leading research on Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Statistical Computational Biology. Being equally skilled at both the practical and the theoretical level, he has authored several articles, published in peer-reviewed conferences and journals, and has contributed to numerous R&D projects.
Dr. Lyras is very enthusiastic about programming and he is an active IEEE volunteer. He has been serving the IEEEXtreme Programming contest as a judge since practically its beginning, and was awarded the IEEE MGA Achievement Award in 2009. He loves being part of the IEEEXtreme community and fosters the idea that IEEEXtreme is a contest like no other…it is a 24-hour PROGRAMMING PARTY and everyone is welcome on board!

George Michael
Advisory Member
George Michael
George Michael is a researcher at KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence at the University of Cyprus.
He received a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus and he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering.
He worked at the Data-Driven Multi-threading Laboratory at the University of Cyprus for a few years doing research on high-performance computing.
Following, he worked as a software developer at XM.COM and CeraNext.
His work is mostly on GNU/Linux systems.
George is an IEEE senior member and an active volunteer.
He held various positions during the past few years.
Between them he server as member of the board of:
- University of Cyprus IEEE Student Branch
- IEEE Cyprus Section Executive Committee
- IEEE Region 8 Committee.
He was part of all previous IEEEXtreme competitions either as a contestant or as a volunteer.
On IEEEXtreme 11.0 he served as the Technical, Industry, and Judges Lead and on version 13.0 he served as the Program Lead.

Dr. Heba Hassan
Consulting Member
Dr. Heba Hassan
Associate Professor Dr. Heba Ahmed Hassan, Electrical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, obtained her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the School of Engineering, Ulster University, UK in 2004. Dr Hassan presented her PhD work in the House of Commons, Westminster House, London in 2004. She is a consultant for the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), SMIEEE, MIET, Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy-UK, an Editor, Associate Editor and a reviewer of many international journals and conferences. She has pursued senior academic leadership positions including the former Dean and Assistant Dean of College of Engineering, Dhofar University, Oman. She was a Senior Quality Assurance Expert at Oman Academic Accreditation Authority who was the Review Director of the first higher education institution to be accredited in Oman. Her work for the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities extended to cover several sectors such as academic training, monitoring and evaluation of research projects as well as academic quality assurance and accreditation. Her research interests include electrical power systems control, renewable energy resources and applications, quality of higher education and accreditation.
Lead Ambassadors

Hassan El Shenawy
Ambassador program Co-Lead
Hassan El Shenawy
Hassan El Shenawy is a volunteer for IEEE since 2013. He had participated in different levels of activities flipping between his local Student Branch, his Section and IEEEXtreme Programming Competition. There are two main activities he – and his colleagues of IEEEXtreme Ambassadors – have created and worked on. Firstly, A local gathering event for IEEEXtreme Competition which enables the students from all over the country to participate within a single venue. Secondly, a training camp for the students to help them be prepared in Programming Problem Solving. They succeeded to make different editions for the two events for different editions of IEEEXtreme Competition. On the technical side, Hassan is working as an Embedded Software Engineer and he enjoys programming the small computers living in different electronic devices. Hassan is from Tanta, Egypt, IEEE Region 8.

Alve Rahman Akash
R5 Ambassador Lead
Alve Rahman Akash
A student, a researcher and an electronics enthusiast; who is actively searching for knowledge to adapt to the changing modern world. I am an engineering student with ambitious aspirations, with an immense thirst for information and continuous development. In addition, through leadership, collaboration and management skills gained by volunteer practice at the executive level. An experienced Content Writer with a demonstrated history of working in the non-profit organization management field. I was the Publication Coordinator of IEEE American International University Bangladesh Student Branch and have also achieved some feats as the Treasurer of IEEE Young Professionals, Bangladesh Section, R10. Additionally, my volunteering exceeds the country’s borders with my participation in IEEE Xtreme 14.0 and IEEE Xtreme 17.0.
Currently I am Graduate Research Assistant in the Cyber Physical Power and Energy Systems labs residing in the Texas A&M University Kingsville. My research includes developing Quantum Computing-based algorithms for Cyber Security applications and Battery Technology. To be the Freest man in the world, is my life-long dream and engineering brings me closer to that dream everyday.

Azfar Adib
R7 Ambassador Lead
Azfar Adib
Azfar Adib is the Regional Student Representative (RSR) in IEEE Region 7 (Canada). He is acting as the regional lead for Xtreme 17.0 ambassadors in that region. Azfar is a Senior Member in IEEE.
Azfar is a doctoral candidate in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Concordia University in Montreal. He holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering and an MBA in Marketing, He has professional experience of over eight years in different functional-managerial roles in telecommunications sector.
Azfar is passionate about empowering people towards excellence, which he regularly promotes through community engagement, public speaking and writing and other endeavours. He has been volunteering for IEEE for over 15 years now. Starting as a Student Member during his undergraduate time, Azfar gradually contributed as a Professional Member during his corporate career, and then as a Graduate Student Member during his on-going doctoral studies. As the Industrial Activity Coordinator of IEEE Bangladesh Section during 2018-19, he played an instrumental role to strengthen IEEE activities in Bangladesh. As the Section Student Representative of IEEE Montreal Section since 2022, he has revamped student activities in a new layer. Currently, being the Regional Student Representative of Region 7, he is actively contributing to various regional and global endeavors. Azfar’s contributions to IEEE has been acknowledged through different recognitions in Region 10 & Region 7.

Imene Romdhane
R7 Ambassador Co-Lead
Imene Romdhane
Imene Romdhane is the Region 7 Canada lead for the IEEEXTREME16.0 competition and she was the Montreal section lead for the IEEEXtreme15.0 competition last year. She is a Ph.D. student in electrical engineering at Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Montreal, Canada. She serves as the Coordinator of Partnerships at the IEEE SIGHT Montreal. She is also a member of the IEEE SIGHT operations subcommittee and the IEEE Canada Humanitarian Initiatives Committee (HAC). Moreover, she is responsible for the advertisement and outreach of the IHTC 2022 conference.

Jihen Chouaib
R8 Ambassador Lead
Jihen Chouaib
Jihen Chouaib is a second-year master’s student studying Artificial Intelligence at the National School of Computer Science in Tunisia (ENSI).
She participated in the IEEEXtreme 15.0 as a competitor with her team “HellishExplorers”, then in the IEEEXtreme 16.0 with her team “Jwajem”.
In the IEEEXtreme 16.0, she joined the IEEEXtreme team as the IEEE ENSI Student Branch Ambassador and the Tunisia Section Lead. Currently, she serves as the IEEEXtreme 17.0 Region 8 Lead.
In her Student Branch, she serves as the General Secretary, and the Community Manager of the RAS Chapter for the mandate 22-23.

Sabine Farhat
R8 Ambassador Co-Lead
Sabine Farhat
My experience with IEEEXtreme was very rewarding. It allowed me to network with people from all over the world, and presented me with the opportunity to connect to a great number of people in the field, passionate about programming and IEEEXtreme. It was also great to prepare students from my country to participate in a global competition, to answer their questions, and to accommodate them and make sure they are ready for the competition! To be part of an amazing community that advertises and works for the success of a global programming competition was a great experience. Lastly, I got the chance to sharpen my managerial, organization, and leadership skills which were an amazing added bonus to my skill set.

Mohamed Aboulela
R8 Ambassador Co-Lead
Mohamed Aboulela
I have an IEEEXtreme ambassador for now five years from a student branch ambassador to a regional co lead, it was great five years as I work with different people from different countries and cultures which have great impact on improving my personally skills.

Frenny Luvania Paye Yucra
R9 Ambassador Lead
Frenny Luvania Paye Yucra
Senior student of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano. I’m joined IEEE in 2018 as a volunteer, and at the 2019 National Branch Meeting, she joined as an active member. Lead to IEEEXreme 16.0 to region 9, in 2021 lead from peru section in IEEEXtreme 15.0. I was founder of the IEEE WIE UNA PUNO Affinity Group in 2020. I’m part of the WIP PERU team. Frenny has been the organizer of the CONEIMERA in the year 2021, which was developed in virtual mode, demonstrating her leadership skills and served as the Organizing co-chair of the International Virtual Summit-2021. I participated in IEEE PES DAY since 2020, doing very creative activities. I can work under any circumstances due to her adaptable nature and time management. I consider that my character, is able to deal with difficult situations, and does a good job at her job thanks to her hard work and new ideas.

Ricardo Arturo Figueroa López
R9 Ambassador Co-Lead
Ricardo Arturo Figueroa López
I am Ricardo Figueroa biomedical engineering student in colombia, I had the opportunity to be a section ambassador for the IEEEXtreme 16.0 which was a new experience and very entertaining during the whole process, it was great. As every event coming from IEEE.

Niranjan Kumar S
R10 Ambassador Lead
Niranjan Kumar S
Niranjan Kumar S is pursuing his B.Tech in IT and is about to Graduate in 2023 from Sri Sairam Engineering College. He’s been an active IEEE member and passionate volunteer since 2020, he has volunteered, organized, and lead 100+ Regional, Council, Sectional, Student branch, and chapter-level initiatives and events. He is presently holding positions such as Region 10 Lead for IEEEXtreme 17.0, Mentor for Public Relations Team for IEEE Madras Section Student Coordination Team, Student Exe-com member for IEEE WIE AG of Madras Section, Committee member and lead for New initiatives at IEEE SSIT Global SAC and Core member of IEEE RMC’23. He also served as the Chairperson for the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter and SAC for his SB, also the Exe-com member of his Student Branch, Co-chair for the Pilot Coordination team in IEEE YESIST’12 for 2023, Madras sectional lead for IEEEXtreme 16.0, in which he has been recognized as the top ambassador by IEEEXtreme 16.0 team. He has delivered several talks in various forums such as in AISYWLC’22 held in Pune, Madras Section Hub congress held at Coimbatore, which made highlights out of various keynote sessions and talks.
He was also the former Strategist(SCOPE) for the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, A Rural Development forum supported by central ministries of the government of India. He has also received the “Best Contributor Award” for his contribution to the forum since 2020. He was part of several other forums, clubs, and cells such as Department Coordinator at Skill Development Club, PR Member at NSS, and Core member at M-Apps Club during his bachelor’s at college.
Niranjan has published 3 research papers and one of his research papers received the “Best Paper Award ”, he has also registered a patent. He is currently leading the IEEE HAC/SIGHT Funded project of $3500 with a team of 13 members, also Mentoring 5 teams in EPICS in IEEE Competition in which 4 have been funded for their projects, and also leading and organizing, diverse STEM initiatives. He has been awarded “The Most Impassioned Forefront Volunteer” by his student branch chapter and is also the recipient of IEEE Computer Society’s Prestigious Richard E Merwin scholarship award of Spring 2022. He has also received the Best Outgoing Student Award 2023, Best Project Award 2023, and Best Paper Award 2023 from the Institute of Engineers(India).
Niranjan is an exceptional individual who has made a profound impact through his unwavering dedication, exemplary leadership, and outstanding academic achievements. With his relentless drive and visionary mindset, Niranjan is poised to excel in his future endeavors and continue making meaningful contributions to the field of engineering.

Vanapalli Sri Harsha
R10 Ambassador Co-Lead
Vanapalli Sri Harsha
I am currently co lead for R10 for Xtreme previous vizag bay section section lead and I served as webmaster for Raghu Institute of Technology IEEE Student branch for 3 years and conducted 20+ events in my sb also the chair for Agri-iot and innovator clubsfor 2 years and won the best student of the year for Andhra Pradesh by the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh

Md Moynul Islam
R10 Ambassador Co-Lead
Md Moynul Islam
Assalamu Alaikum. This is Md. Moynul Islam. I am the Chief of IEEE CS BDC Team SPARK. I am a member of the PR Design Team for IEEEXtreme 17.0, IEEE PES Day 2023 Design Team, and IEEE PES YP Marketing & Communication Subcommittee. I am currently the IEEE Photonics Society Bangladesh Chapter’s student representative, the former chairperson of the IEEE Computer Society BUBT SB Chapter. I was the Chair of the “International Congress on Recent Trends in Computer Science-2022 (ICRCS-2022)” and IEEE PES YP’s Congress “Mapping the Future in Career Development Professional Awareness Congress 2022 (MCDPAC’22)”, Co-Chair of the “International Virtual Summit 2021” and was also an organizing member of the “International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technology 2021.”

Jonathan Durand Espinoza
Graduate Student at Universidad Católica San Pablo
Jonathan Durand Espinoza
Jonathan Durand is a competitive programmer from Peru. He currently works as a Software Engineer at Google. He has earned his master degree (Computer science) from Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa and bachelor’s degree from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima.
He is very passionate about competitive programming and continues practicing in his free time. Jonathan has competed in the world final ACM-ICPC and IEEEXtreme, placed 4th in IEEEXtreme 5.0 , 2nd in IEEEXtreme 6.0 and 1st in IEEEXtreme 7.0.

Prof. Oded Margalit
Ben Gurion University
Prof. Oded Margalit
Prof. Oded Margalit earned his PhD in Computer Science from Tel Aviv University in 1993, under the supervision of Professor Zvi Galil. He has been serving as a judge continuously since 2008, and was awarded the IEEE MGA Achievement Award. His professional experience contains, among others: Machine Learning; Constraint Satisfaction Programming; and Formal Verification, Currently, he is the CTO of Citi’s Security Innovation Center in Tel Aviv and a full professor adjunct to the computer science department at Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. He was the author of IBM research’s Ponder-This monthly challenge site from 2007 to 2020. An avid riddle and puzzle maven, Margalit has been known to focus this passion on setting up contests and challenges for coding, puzzle-solving, and mathematical challenges.

Hassan El Shenawy
Hassan El Shenawy
Hassan El Shenawy is a volunteer for IEEE since 2013. He had participated in different levels of activities flipping between his local Student Branch, his Section and IEEEXtreme Programming Competition. There are two main activities he – and his colleagues of IEEEXtreme Ambassadors – have created and worked on. Firstly, A local gathering event for IEEEXtreme Competition which enables the students from all over the country to participate within a single venue. Secondly, a training camp for the students to help them be prepared in Programming Problem Solving. They succeeded to make different editions for the two events for different editions of IEEEXtreme Competition. On the technical side, Hassan is working as an Embedded Software Engineer and he enjoys programming the small computers living in different electronic devices. Hassan is from Tanta, Egypt, IEEE Region 8.

Douglas Gischlar
Douglas Gischlar
Doug Gischlar is a Senior Innovation Project Manager at the IEEE. He has over 30 years’ experience in Information Technology. He received his BS in Mathematics, BA in Geoscience and Master of Arts in Teaching from Trenton State College.
His current role at the IEEE applies idea and innovative thinking-based approaches to projects, products, and process development and improvements. He provides an idea submission workflow that allows for ideas to be brought through the innovation process for review, collaboration, prototyping/proof of concept, and decisions on a path forward.

Dr. Nikolaos S. Papaspyrou
Google – Germany
Dr. Nikolaos S. Papaspyrou
Nikolaos Papaspyrou is a software engineer at Google, working in Chrome/V8 (MUC). He’s also a professor (on leave) at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and a member of the Software Engineering Laboratory. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the NTUA (1998), a M.Sc. in Computer Science from Cornell University (1995) and a Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the NTUA (1993). He has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Yale University (2000-2001) and as a visiting researcher on sabbatical at Google’s compiler group (2015-2016). His interests lie in the area of programming language theory and implementation: semantics, type systems, compilers, static analysis, formal verification. Since 2006, he volunteers as a coach, problem setter and evaluator of students who participate in the Greek national contest in Informatics, organizes the preparation camp for the contest’s finalists, and participates as leader or deputy leader in many delegations of the Greek national teams to such programming contests.
Design Team

Design Team

Mihin Himsara Kariyawasam
Design Team
K. B. Mihin Himsara Kariyawasam
My contributions to the student branch of my university were, being the chairperson and Ambassador of IEEEXtreme event, being the logistics lead, the program lead and the design lead in events(Step Into Industry, Path to Future, IEEE Andaharaya, Memento). Last year I volunteered as a design team member for PR team of IEEEXtreme 16.0.
Also, I am a Vice-Chairperson for IEEE Techverse Sri Lanka and I am a Project Lead of Technical Activities Subcommittee of the Student Activities Committee of IEEE Sri Lanka Section. We are holding Technical meetups, forums and webinars for gather the technical enthusiast in Sri Lanka Section. Also we are publishing a medium article series and a podcast series to gain knowledge about cutting edge technologies.

Mohammad Rahman
Design Team
Mohammad Ashfaq Ur Rahman

Gerardo Martínez
Design Team
Gerardo Salvador Martínez Martínez
Gerardo Martínez is a mechatronics engineering graduate student at National Autonomous University of Mexico. Currently, he is an active IEEE member and volunteer since 2021, performing as vice chair of the Student Chapter CAS – UNAM during 2021 – 2022 and now performing as chair at IEEE UNAM SB.
He worked in different OUs in his university as avionics member and coordinator of telemetry system at UNAM Aero Design and PR Team member at Aerospace Association of School of Engineering UNAM, with special focus on electronics, space, aeronautics, and radiofrequency systems.
Gerardo possesses good experiences at volunteering in IEEE national and international events as IEEE DAY, IEEE Student Branches Regional Meeting 2021 and 2022, CAS Week, Arduino Week, 52° and 53° Anniversary of IEEE UNAM SB, IV International Congress of Applied Sciences at UNMSM, IEEE Virtual Symposium on Authorship and Open Access, judge at projects competitions, founder of the IEEE CS UNAM SBC, and more.
He is also IEEE Brand Ambassador, IEEE DAY 2022 Ambassador, IEEEXtreme 16.0 as Ambassador and Design Team member, Support Coordinator for IEEE CS Scholarships Outreach Initiative, IEEE CS Technergize Initiative member, and now performing as IEEEXtreme 17.0 Mexico Section Lead.

Laura Guerrero
Design Team
Laura Marcela Sabogal Guerrero
I am currently in my final semester pursuing a degree in Biomedical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Los Andes. Alongside my academic pursuits, I have taken on leadership roles as the President of both the IEEE branch and the EDS chapter at Uniandes. Throughout my three-year journey with IEEE, I have been actively involved in driving remarkable growth and positive change within my branch and the chapters under our purview. In acknowledgment of my significant contributions to the EDS chapter, I have been privileged to receive the distinguished title of IEEE STEM Champion for Region 9 this year.
Quality Assurance team

Nafis Sadique
Nafis Sadique

Sachin Bharadwaj S
Sachin Bharadwaj S
Sachin is very enthusiastic about programming and has also made contributions to the open-source projects like Wiselib under Google Summer of Code. Sachin has been involved with IEEE as a student volunteer since 2011, when he was an undergraduate student. He was involved in activities related to IEEEXtreme in his IEEE student branch, and also been part of a competing team in IEEEXtreme for editions 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0. He has worked on problem development and verification since IEEEXtreme 9.0.

Alfonsus Raditya Arsadjaja
Alfonsus Raditya Arsadjaja
Alfonsus Raditya Arsadjaja is a Product Engineer at Dekoruma. He received a bachelor degree in Informatics in 2018.
As a student, in 2014 he was awarded with Bronze Medal in International Olympiad in Informatics in Taipei, Taiwan. In the university, he participates in the IEEEXtreme Programming Contest in 2015, 2016, got the 4th place in 2017.In 2018, he also participated in ACM ICPC World Finals 2018 in Beijing, China.
Since then, he joined as a volunteer as judges team in 2018, 2019, and 2022.

Dr Ashad Kabir
Charles Sturt University
Dr Ashad Kabir
Social Media Team

Abdul Halik M I
Social Media Co-Lead
Abdul Halik M I
Abdul Halik M I is a Mechanical Engineer graduate from Jeppiaar Institute of Technology currently working as an Operations Manager at Forte India. He is a Certified Digital Marketer and Salesforce Certificated Administrator. Previously, he worked as a Digital Marketing Head at the start-up “Edurise Global” and Digital Marketing Consultant at GradsKey.
He is a young dynamic and active volunteer of IEEE for 7+ years. He is one of the 6 recipients of the IEEE MGA YP Achievement Award for the year 2022 and one of the 18 recipients of the Prestigious Richard E Merwin Scholarship worth $1000 in September 2018 provided by IEEE Computer Society. He participated, volunteered, and organized more than 250+ events in IEEE at various scales including his Student Branch, Section, India Council, and Region 10.
He volunteers as Secretary of IEEE Madras Young Professionals and serves as Membership Development Chair of IEEE Madras Young Professionals. He volunteered as a Social Media Coordinator at IEEE Region 10 Young Professionals

Roobini G
Social Media Team
Roobini G

Krishna Srinivas
Social Media Team
Krishna Srinivas
It’s great to be a part of the IEEEXtreme 17.0 team and I hope to have a wonderful experience volunteering in the Social Media Team!

M. Abdullah Khan
Social Media Team
M. Abdullah Khan

Kishore M A
Social Media Team
Kishore M A
I’m Kishore M A, an engineering student pursuing Information Technology at Sri Sairam Engineering College (R10 Madras section). Passionate about exploring new frontiers and innovative technologies, I have actively engaged with the IEEE community, taking part in various activities and assuming important roles.
As an active member of the IEEE, I have served as a Support Coordinator at IEEE CS SYP SOI and a member of the IEEEXtreme PR team. Recognizing my contributions and commitment, I was appointed as an Ambassador for ICRCS’23 and from October to December 2022, where I had the opportunity to represent and promote these platforms.
Organizing events and activities that foster technical learning and innovation has been a significant aspect of my involvement with the IEEE. One notable event I organized was YESIST 12 in my student branch chapter, which provided a platform for young minds to showcase their technical skills and creativity. Another event, “qurd With Query,” held on IEEE Day, aimed to foster curiosity and knowledge sharing among students.
Additionally, I conducted a hands-on session on IoT (Internet of Things) for school students, promoting STEM education and technology awareness among the younger generation. This initiative showcased my dedication to advancing the field of technology beyond the confines of the IEEE community.

Social Media Team
I’m Anupama Jeyashree, a dedicated individual with a passion for technology and community involvement. As an active member of IEEE, I have been able to contribute and learn in various capacities.
During my time as a member of IEEE, I had the privilege of serving as the vice chair in IEEE CS SBC, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College. This role allowed me to collaborate with fellow students and organize events that fostered learning, networking, and professional development within our college community.
In recognition of my dedication and academic excellence, I was honored to receive the Richard E. Merwin Scholarship in the fall of 2021. This prestigious award highlighted my contributions to the society through volunteering and showcased my commitment to both the organization and the wider community. Furthermore, I was thrilled to be recognized by the IEEE Computer Society with the Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society award in 2022 for my academic excellence.

Rishu Kumar
Social Media Team
Rishu Kumar
I have volunteer at many roles at my IEEE Student Branch BIET Lucknow, in which I have organized more than 100+ events. Currently I am the Ambassador of IEEE PES Day 2023. I am happy and thrilled to work with the IEEE Xtreme Social Media Team

Nivarthana Ekanayake
Social Media Team
Nivarthana Ekanayake
volunteered for the IEEE IAS Sri Lanka chapter congress as public relation team member
volunteering as a vice chairperson of the IEEE WIE affinity group at IIT

Social Media Team
I am a dedicated and enthusiastic Computer Science Engineering (CSE) student currently in their third year of study. With a passion for organization and a talent for coordinating events , I have coordinated and volunteered in few IEEE events .
I am proud to share that I have participated in IEEE Xtreme, a prestigious programming competition organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
I have also worked as student Ambassador in ICRCS’23 (IEEE Computer Society – Bangladesh Chapter .

Social Media Team
Anuraj excels in academics, he spends the most of his leisure time volunteering at IEEE. He was the founding chairman of the IEEE Student Branch (STB11373) of the University of Jaffna and contributed significantly to its growth. Not limited to that Anuraj started first IEEE CIS chapter in IEEE Sri Lanka section 2022 as a founding chairperson for IEEE CIS Student Branch Chapter of University of Jaffna.
His volunteer work went beyond the branch to the section, region 10, and global levels. He is now volunteering for the IEEE Student Virtual Speaker Bureau and the R10 IEEE Humanitarian Activity Committee. Additionally, he was named the first STEM Champion in the IEEE Sri Lankan section from the IEEE Pre-University STEM Education. Improving the quality of the IEEE leadership ladder He received the top honour for the VoLT Team Project and graduated from the IEEE VoLT Programme.
The following important positions have been his in recent years.
● Lead Ambassador – IEEE Collabratec
● Representative – IEEE Future Networks
● Founding Chairman – IEEE Student Branch University of Jaffna(STB11373)
● Reviewer – IEEE STEM Portal 2023
● Assistant Treasurer – IEEE Sri Lanka Section SIGHT Group
● Vice Chairperson – IEEE SSIT Student Activity Committee 2023
● Member – IEEE Sri Lanka Section Editorial Committee
Marketing and Strategy Team

Indrajith Ekanayake
Marketing and Strategy Team
Indrajith Ekanayake
Indrajith volunteered with IEEE for more than 5 years starting from the student branch level. After numerous activities, he continued his volunteering at the sectional and regional level and he is the former sectional lead of IEEEXtreme15.0. also former R10 lead for IEEEXtreme 16.0. By profession, he is a lecturer at open university Sri Lanka and a technical trainer at Codification(Pvt) Ltd. His interests are Computer vision, MOOC Education, HCI, Data visualization, and Augmented reality.

Mohamed Tahoon
Marketing and Strategy Team
Mohamed Tahoon
Mohamed Tahoon, born on April 2000, is a senior undergraduate student Engineer in the mechatronics and robotics department at the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology. Throughout his academic journey, he has consistently demonstrated a passion for learning and a deep understanding of mechatronics systems and its applications.
Tahoon serves as the Chairman of the IEEE E-JUST Student Branch, where he exhibits exceptional managerial abilities. In addition, he holds the position of Technical Activities Officer at IEEE Young Professionals Egypt, where he actively contributes to the growth and development of Engineering-based events and conferences. He has also made a significant impact as the founder and manager of the Fire Fighting Boat robotics competition. This initiative showcases his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to using technology for the greater good.
With a keen interest in software development for embedded systems, Tahoon has dedicated himself to honing his skills in this specialized field. His passion for innovation and problem-solving led him to embark on a groundbreaking graduation project focused on the automotive industry. Through this project, he aims to leverage his expertise in software development to optimize the functionality and performance of embedded systems in automotive applications.

Elio Aoun
Marketing and Strategy Team
Elio Aoun
Elio Aoun is an accomplished young professional who is passionate about engineering. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering in Computer and Communications Engineering from Notre Dame University – Louaize in 2020, and is currently in the final stages of completing his Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the same institution.
Elio’s leadership skills are evident in his impressive track record of organizing successful events and activities. He served as the chair of the IEEE NDU Student Branch for two consecutive years, where he led the organization to great success. Elio is currently the IEEE Young Professionals Lebanon Chair, and he has also served as the Student Activities Coordinator for the IEEE – Lebanon Joint Chapter, IE13/PE31/CAS04/PEL35 since 2021.
Elio’s research interests are diverse, but primarily focused on Embedded Systems, Electronic Design, Computer Vision, Computer Networks, Cloud Computing, and IT Service Management.
He is also dedicated to sharing his knowledge and experience with others, having organized several workshops on various topics such as MATLAB, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and Cloud Computing.

Opeyemi Ajibuwa
Marketing and Strategy Team
Opeyemi Ajibuwa
Opeyemi Ajibuwa is an incoming Ph.D. student at North Carolina A&T State University, specializing in federated learning, differential privacy, cloud security, and internet-of-things (IoT). He recently completed his Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oregon State University, focusing on intrusion and misbehavior detection in vehicular networks and developing a proof-of-concept for a threshold vehicular PKI architecture. Opeyemi actively contributes to IEEE activities, presenting research posters and serving as a peer reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He has delivered invited talks on various topics, including citizenship and value systems, AI-based customer service improvement, and product development in digital banking. With a diverse professional background in network engineering and IT solutions architecture, Opeyemi has experience in designing and deploying network solutions, implementing security measures, and troubleshooting issues. He holds certifications in CCNP Enterprise, LFCS, Aviatrix Multi-Cloud Network Associate, ITIL Foundation, and ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Associate. Opeyemi has been recognized with numerous honors and awards for his academic achievements, including graduate research assistantships and prestigious fellowships. His skills encompass programming languages like Python, MATLAB, C, C++, and Go, along with expertise in machine learning frameworks such as Pytorch and TensorFlow. He also possesses proficiency in web technologies like Django and Flask.

Sophia Musa
Marketing and Strategy Team
Sophia Musa
I’m a senior electrical and electronics student at Kenyatta University, Kenya. I’m passionate about Tech empowerment for the Kenyan community. I’m currently the seating ComSoc chair Kenyatta University student branch and serving as the publicity and branding lead for the HAC project: Kisima Jangwani currently happening in Isiolo. I’m the marketing strategist and linkedin manager for the upcoming Africon conference 2023.

Prabhat Kumar Mishra
Marketing and Strategy Team
Prabhat Kumar Mishra
Prabhat K. Mishra is a Post-doctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. He was awarded the Ph.D. degree in 2019 from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. Before joining MIT, he was a Post-doctoral Research Associate at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA. He received a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship in 2017 to study at EPFL, Switzerland, for a year. His research interests include predictive, adaptive and learning based control for safety critical applications and cyber physical systems with focus on agricultural, biomedical and aerospace applications.

Rashi Srivastava
Marketing and Strategy Team
Rashi Srivastava
I am a B. Tech graduate in Electronics and Communication Engineering (2019-2023) highly passionate about Astronomy, Astrophysics, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. I have taken up multiple roles at various levels in IEEE right from SB to section and India Council. I have served as the chair for my SB and Section Student Representative at IEEE Bangalore Section in the year 2022. I have served as Social Media Lead as well at IEEE India Council for the year 2022. In the same year, I was the Student Representative for AP-MTT Jt. Chapter, IEEE Bangalore Section.
I see myself as a passionate, discipline-oriented and a highly ambitious individual who loves to work with attention to detail. To polish my interpersonal skills I have been taking up leadership roles and team work which has helped me grow up into a confident and modest individual.

Ddembe Humphrey
Marketing and Strategy Team
Ddembe Galiwango Humphrey
Am Ddembe Galiwango Humphrey, an IT and Computing Student from Kyambogo University in Uganda.
Am under Region 8, particularly in the Uganda Section. Am about to make 1 year in IEEE. I have participated in various roles in the past months as a member of IEEE.
I have volunteered and currently volunteering as an Ambassador for some events and conferences, e.g.; PES Day 2023, IEEE Africon 2023 Conference, and IEEExtreme. Currently, am serving as the vice chair of the IEEE Computer Society Chapter, Kyambogo and chair of IEEE Sight Kyambogo.
Being part of IEEE is one of the wise decisions I have ever undertaken.

Sakib Ahmed
Marketing and Strategy Team
Sakib Ahmed
I am Sakib Ahmed, and I joined IEEE in 2016. I am serving as Communications’ Lead of IEEE Day since 2020. Prior to that, I was the Event’s Lead of IEEE Day 2019. I was the former Vice Chair of IEEE North South University Student Branch(STB66201) in 2019-2020. I along with my executive panel has successfully organized a lots of global event including IEEE SPAC 2019, IEEE STEP 19. We have received IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 2018 and 2019. Alongside, I am the Lead Ambassador of IEEE Collabratec. My role is to promote IEEE Collabratec to members and non members, monitoring activities of members in Collabratec, test and launch new initiative of IEEE and IEEE Collabratec. I have received IEEE Member-Get-A-Memebr (MGM) Award in 2018.

Erik Whiting
Marketing and Strategy Team
Erik Whiting
Erik Whiting is a senior software engineer at CallRail and a PhD student at the University of Nebraska, specializing in software architecture, distributed systems, and computational biology. Professionally, he specializes in building microservices and APIs to meet customer needs. Academically, he builds software to study problems in biology and biophysics. He also serves as the Chair of the Educational Activities Board (EAB) for the IEEE Nebraska section, organizing educational events and workshops to promote professional development.

Jennifer Nkechi A.
Marketing and Strategy Team
Jennifer Nkechi A.
Jennifer is a doctoral student at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, conducting research on databases, data provenance, and machine learning. She also works with Python, Java, and SQL and has over two years of experience working with these technologies. Additionally, she takes great joy in working with young people and mentoring those who are underrepresented in pursuing STEM careers.

Geethaka Shyamal Perera
Marketing and Strategy Team
Geethaka Shyamal Perera
Geethaka Perera is a final year undergraduate student pursuing BSc.(Hons) in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering at SLTC Research University, Sri Lanka. He has actively participated in various significant IEEE activities, showcasing his commitment to professional development and leadership. He is the Sub Committee Coordinator for the Volunteering Training and Development Sub Committee of IEEE Young Professionals Sri Lanka, the Event Program Lead for IEEE Education Week Sri Lanka 2023, and the Vice Chair of IEEE Techverse Sri Lanka for the term 22/23 and Project Lead of IEEE SLSAC Technical Activities Committee. He has also planned and successfully executed the Tech Podcast segment “Tech Innovador”, which is now a sub-brand under the IEEE Techverse national project. Geethaka was a Program Member to then-IEEE Techno Meetup in the term 21/22 and served as a Webmaster within the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society of SLTC university student branch.
He also served as a Project Chair and Project Student Advisor for various initiatives, such as Circuito’21 PCB Designing Workshop Series, Circuito’21 SLTC’s First Virtual Exhibition and Competition, InspiHerTech, and Knowledge Hub 4.0/5.0. He also served in other volunteering organizations such as the Program and Technical Head of the Get Sync Club of SLTC Research University, Project Coordinator for the Leo Club of SLTC, a Committee Member for SEDS SLTC, a Logistics Team Member for the Media Unit SLTC, and an Event Management Member for the University Student Enterprise SLTC. His dedication, leadership, and technical prowess continue to inspire others to actively engage in IEEE activities and contribute to the development of the STEM field.

Hatim Jamali
Marketing and Strategy Team
Hatim Jamali
Hatim Jamali has more than four years of experience as an Embedded IoT Engineer at 1NCE GmbH since September 2020, based in Germany. In addition to his role at 1NCE, Hatim has been actively involved in various leadership positions within the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
As the Secretary-General of IEEE Morocco Section since 2022, Hatim has played a crucial role in managing and organizing activities within the section. He has also served as a Global Engagement Member in IEEE HAC (Humanitarian Activities Committee) since 2022, contributing to the committee’s initiatives in the United States.
Furthermore, Hatim has made significant contributions as the IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) Student Conference coordinator in 2022. Through his coordination efforts, he has facilitated the organization of successful conferences that have provided valuable learning and networking opportunities for students in the field.
Hatim’s dedication to IEEE extends to his involvement as a Support Member at IEEE ENSIAS Student Branch in Morocco. In this role, he has provided guidance and assistance to student branches, ensuring their growth and success.
Throughout his journey with IEEE, Hatim has been instrumental in founding and mentoring student branches in Morocco. He has also been actively involved in promoting and celebrating various international events and mindsets within IEEE, such as IEEE Day and IEEExtreme.
One of Hatim’s notable achievements is the founding of a global competition for the MENA region and Africa. This competition, which he initiated, was later officially adopted by IEEE, showcasing his innovative thinking and ability to drive impactful initiatives.
Hatim is recognized as a smart and highly active individual, both socially and professionally. He possesses a strong drive for continuous learning and personal growth, always seeking to expand his knowledge and skills. He places great importance on nurturing relationships, firmly believing that “”YOUR NETWORK IS YOUR NETWORTH,”” and consistently strives to cultivate meaningful connections within his professional and social circles.

Heena Thadani
Marketing and Strategy Team
Heena Thadani
I am a graduate in Computer Science from Mody University, India. Currently working for a Singapore based Indie Mobile Gaming Start-up. I am volunteering for IEEE for 4 consecutive years now. From Industrial Relations Team Member in the Student Branch in 2020 through Secretary in 2021 to Chairperson in 2022, I had a wonderful journey and connection with IEEE. I served as Delhi Section Lead for the 15.0 edition of IEEE Xtreme for R10. I have been an active volunteer and speaker for more than 100+ IEEE events. I conducted and organized various section level and collaborative events in my Student Branch with over 300 participants locally. Last year, I could help in increasing the reach for IEEE Xtreme as a part of Strategical Team Member.

Clifford Ouma
Marketing and Strategy Team
Clifford Ouma
Hello! I’m Clifford Ouma, a versatile individual from Kenya . I’m an undergrad student, front-end developer, UX designer, and community leader.
When I’m not coding or designing, I love exploring new places, cooking delicious dishes, and passionately supporting my favorite football team, Come On You Gunners!
As an active member of IEEE, I have volunteered in some amazing roles. Currently, I’m the vice chairperson of IEEE Moi University Student Branch, guiding and supporting fellow students. I also lead the Kenya Section for IEEE Extreme, a thrilling competition I’m fortunate to lead for the second time in my section.
I’m excited to volunteer and make this year’s IEEE Extreme unforgettable! Let’s create something amazing together!