
Please note that the intent and spirit of the competition is for the students, not others, to solve a problem. People acting as proctor must limit the level of support and must not contribute in any other form that might be considered original authorship, or in any way that may enable claims of rights or ownership to the submitted entries. In no case will work on behalf of teams or individuals be allowed.

Proctor tasks include:
- Monitoring the general flow of the activity
- Informing students when the competition begins, at the middle of it, when there are six hours left, and when there is one hour left
- Ensuring that no one external to the team members helps or assists the student participants in resolving the problems in any way.
- A proctor can monitor no more than 20 teams.

In advance of the competition, the Proctor of Record and a team monitored by that proctor must agree on either a physical location in which to participate or appropriate online tools to communicate with each other and for the proctor to monitor the team. Whatever choice is made, the Proctor of Record must be able to verify that competition rules are being followed.
Should circumstances allow, proctor and one or more teams monitored by the proctor can participate in the same physical venue. As long as the Proctor of Record agrees, venues can be a location on an educational campus, such as a computer lab, a company office, or another suitable location. It must be a place that participants can use for the entire 24 hours of the competition. Teams will need some connection to the internet and at least one computer to work on. It is ideal if the venue also has space for participants to rest.
Student Branch activity: