IEEEXtreme 15.0 Team
IEEEXtreme Executive Committee

Luis Fernandes
Committee Chair
Luis Fernandes
Dr. Luis A. Fernandes received a degree in Applied Physics in 2006, and a Ph.D. in Physics in 2012, from the Faculty of Science at the University of Porto, Portugal.
In 2008 he was awarded a Ph.D. fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, to pursue his thesis entitled “Birefringence and Bragg grating control in femtosecond laser written optical circuits.” His doctoral work was researched in collaboration with the Photonics Group at the University of Toronto, where he became a postdoctoral fellow in 2013. From 2013 to 2018 he worked as a senior optical scientist at OZ Optics Ltd. At the end of 2018 he joined VIAVI Solutions Inc. as a senior optical designer.
He served as a member of the board of the University of Toronto SPIE Student Chapter from 2010 to 2013 and is a member of the IEEE, SPOF, SPF, OSA, and SPIE.
As a student, he participated in the IEEEXtreme competition in 2009, 2010, and 2012 and since 2014 he has served as a volunteer in the quality assurance team. In 2018 he joined the IEEEXtreme Executive Committee as Technical Judges Lead.

George Michael
Committee Vice Chair
George Michael
George Michael is a researcher at KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence at the University of Cyprus.
He received a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus and he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering.
He worked at the Data-Driven Multi-threading Laboratory at the University of Cyprus for a few years doing research on high-performance computing.
Following, he worked as a software developer at XM.COM and CeraNext.
His work is mostly on GNU/Linux systems.
George is an IEEE senior member and an active volunteer.
He held various positions during the past few years.
Between them he server as member of the board of:
- University of Cyprus IEEE Student Branch
- IEEE Cyprus Section Executive Committee
- IEEE Region 8 Committee.
He was part of all previous IEEEXtreme competitions either as a contestant or as a volunteer.
On IEEEXtreme 11.0 he served as the Technical, Industry, and Judges Lead and on version 13.0 he served as the Program Lead.

Bowen Yu
Technical Lead
Bowen Yu
Bowen is a competitive programming enthusiast. His team won the 2nd Place in IEEEXtreme 8.0. He was the North America Champion at the ICPC World Finals 2014. He coached the NYU programming team between 2014 and 2018. Bowen serves as a judge and problem writer for various programming contests including IEEEXtreme (since 12.0), ICPC North America Championship/Regionals/Qualifiers, and the ProgNova contest series.

Craig Scratchley
Rules Lead
Craig Scratchley
Dr. W. Craig Scratchley is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Scratchley received a Ph.D. in Engineering from Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and has worked in companies ranging from a large multinational corporation (IBM) to a Silicon Valley .com startup ( Dr. Scratchley is the Counselor for the IEEE Student Branch at Simon Fraser University, has twice proctored IEEEXtreme, and feels honored to be helping to organize this year’s competition.

John Benedict Boggala
Sponsorship Lead
John Benedict Boggala
John is an Electronics and Communications Engineer. He works as a Team Manager for Amazon’s Digital and Devices Team in Hyderabad, India. He has been with IEEE for the past 8 years and has participated in and organized more than 200 events. He also serves as the Associate Editor for IEEE Potentials. He is the South Asia Coordinator for Region 10 IEEE Young Professionals and is part of various committees. he is currently the vice-chair for IEEE Xtreme.

Adwaith S
Public Relations Lead
Adwaith S
Adwaith is a student at Central University of Karnataka, India pursuing integrated Btech -Mtech course in power and energy engineering. He had joined IEEEXtreme family in the year 2018 as an ambassador and then served as section lead for Bangalore section in the year 2019 and currently serving as Region 10 lead for IEEEXtreme14.0 PR team. Other major activities which he did at IEEE include: Student Activities Committee (SAC) member – IEEE Bangalore Section 2020 PES day Ambassador 2020 PES day Ambassador 2019 Chair, IEEE PES Chapter Central University of Karnataka 2019,2020 Vice Chair, IEEE Student Branch Central University of Karnataka 2020 Secretary, IEEE Student Branch Central University of Karnataka 2018, 2019

Omar Bishtawi
Omar Bishtawi
Omar Bishtawi is a computer engineering student in his final year at An-Najah National University.
My main expertise and field of work are on the web development field firstly then machine learning. He worked as a salesforce administrator and a full-stack web developer at dawsat health company since 2017.
Along the way, he made a lot of achievements in his life and won a lot of national and international levels in tech and entrepreneurship like (STEP2014, MADI2012, business plan competition by intel Palestine level 2012, best IEEE student branch contest 2018,best volunteer at AINC 2018 ).
He also held more than one voluntary position during his college live like :
- IEEE ANNU student branch webmaster
- IEEE MGA SAC Awards Committee member
- IEEEXtreme 14.0 executive committee website co-lead
- AIN ANNU branch vice president and tresurer
And he started participating in the IEEEXtreme competition since Xtreme 11.0 either as a contestant or as a volunteer.

Prasanth Mohan
Advisory Member
Prasanth Mohan
Prasanth is a Computer Science and Engineering Graduate from Anna University. He works with REDD (R&D Company) as Associate Engineer. He Heads the Operations for 3Ding (3D Printing Division of REDD) where he is primarily responsible for acquisition of new products based on Market interest and demand, Building Sales & Marketing Strategies, Customer Relations & Satisfaction.
He is associated with IEEE for the last 5 years and organized more than 140+ events. Prasanth is a recipient of Richard E Merwin Scholarship from Computer Society and Larry K Wilson Student Volunteer Award (Runner-Up).
Prasanth is a part of IEEEXtreme Programming Competition since 2012. He is the founding Chair of IEEEXtreme Public Relation Committee involved in program outreach and identifying feedbacks for improvements. He introduced the Student Ambassadors Program and engaged more than 340+ Student Ambassadors which played a crucial role in the growth of the competition. He is currently the Program Chair for IEEEXtreme 11.0

Dimitrios Lyras
Advisory Member
Dimitrios Lyras
Dr. Dimitrios Lyras was born in Kozani, Greece. He received his diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering and his Ph.D. in Data Mining and Deductive Logic Reasoning from the University of Patras, Greece. Currently he is working as Principal Data Scientist at SAP. He has paired concrete hands-on working experience in Software Engineering with leading research on Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Statistical Computational Biology. Being equally skilled at both the practical and the theoretical level, he has authored several articles, published in peer-reviewed conferences and journals, and has contributed to numerous R&D projects.
Dr. Lyras is very enthusiastic about programming and he is an active IEEE volunteer. He has been serving the IEEEXtreme Programming contest as a judge since practically its beginning, and was awarded the IEEE MGA Achievement Award in 2009. He loves being part of the IEEEXtreme community and fosters the idea that IEEEXtreme is a contest like no other…it is a 24-hour PROGRAMMING PARTY and everyone is welcome on board!

Wiwit Rifa’i
Technical Co-Lead
Wiwit Rifa’i
Wiwit Rifa’i is a competitive programmer from Indonesia. He currently works as a Software Engineer at Google. He has earned his bachelor degree in Informatics (Computer Science) from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
Wiwit started learning about programming since his college time. While in college, he won several programming competitions in Indonesia and also advanced to ICPC World Finals 2018 in Beijing. He also participated in IEEEXtreme 9.0 (6th place), IEEEXtreme 10.0 (13th place), and IEEEXtreme 11.0 (4th place).
He has also contributed some tasks for various programming competitions such as ICPC Asia Jakarta Regional Contest, APIO (Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad), and some local programming contests in Indonesia. He has been a judge and provided some tasks for IEEEXtreme since IEEEXtreme 12.0.

Gabriel Elías Paredes Mendoza
Advisory Member
Gabriel Elías Paredes Mendoza
He is currently studying Mechatronics Engineering at the Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN) in the city of Ibarra Ecuador. He has actively collaborated as a volunteer and IEEE member of the IEEE-UTN Student Branch since 2015, obtaining different recognition and positions: President of the Chapter RAS IEEE UTN 2016, Outstanding Member of Section Ecuador 2017, Leader ambassador IEEEXtreme Section Ecuador 2017, Leader ambassador IEEEXtreme of Latin America and the Caribbean 2018, Ambassador IEEEMadC 2018. He currently holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Public Relations Committee of IEEEXtreme.

Robert Sacks
IEEE Staff, Program Specialist, Student Activities
Robert Sacks
As a member of the Student and Young Professionals Staff of the Member and Geographic Activities Department of IEEE, he supports the Executive Committee of IEEEXtreme as well as several other committees.

Dr. Heba Hassan
Observing Member
Dr. Heba Hassan
Associate Professor Dr. Heba Ahmed Hassan, Electrical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, obtained her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the School of Engineering, Ulster University, UK in 2004. Dr Hassan presented her PhD work in the House of Commons, Westminster House, London in 2004. She is a consultant for the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), SMIEEE, MIET, Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy-UK, an Editor, Associate Editor and a reviewer of many international journals and conferences. She has pursued senior academic leadership positions including the former Dean and Assistant Dean of College of Engineering, Dhofar University, Oman. She was a Senior Quality Assurance Expert at Oman Academic Accreditation Authority who was the Review Director of the first higher education institution to be accredited in Oman. Her work for the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities extended to cover several sectors such as academic training, monitoring and evaluation of research projects as well as academic quality assurance and accreditation. Her research interests include electrical power systems control, renewable energy resources and applications, quality of higher education and accreditation.

Hernán Nina Hanco
Observing Member
Hernán Nina Hanco
Hernan Nina (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree in informatics and system engineering and the Master of Administration degree from the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC), Peru, the master’s degree in informatics with a mention in software engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), and the Ph.D. degree in system engineering from Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal (UNFV), Peru. He was qualified as a Researcher from CONCYTEC, Peru. He is currently a Full Professor at the Universidad de Lima, Peru. His research interests include software engineering, innovation in higher education, and human-computer interaction. He is also a member of ACM.

Monika Bhole
Observing Member
Monika Bhole
Monika Bhole is an Electronics Engineering graduate from Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur. She is Application Development Associate at Accenture Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and has worked as an intern with Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. She is the former Chairperson of the IEEE Student Branch RCOEM (2019-2021) and currently is a member of IEEE BS SIGHT Pratham and IEEE WIE Bombay Section AG. Along the way, she received different recognition and positions which include: IEEEXtreme 14.0 Public Relations Ambassador, IEEE Brand Ambassador, IEEE PES Zero Hunger Day Ambassador-2019, part of IEEE Bombay Section TPAC’s Activity Planning and Management Committee-2020 and Content Team WIE International Leadership Summit 2020 NS. She has a lot of achievements in the technical domain-like: Honorable Mention in WePOWER Track of IEEE YESIST12 2020 with a Project titled Low-Cost Electro-Mechanical Ventilator, Project titled as Smart Medicine Dispenser got selected for finals in Maker Fair Track of IEEE YESIST-12 2020, 2nd position in ‘Tech and Tracks’ hackathon organized by Hacker Rank, ranks in robotics competitions like Robo Soccer, Maze Runner and
research paper presentation in ICESC-2020 which got published in Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Volume 13 2020.
Lead Ambassadors

Andrei Gavrilov
North American Regional Coordinator lead
Andrei Gavrilov
Andrei Gavrilov is the IEEEXtreme 15.0 North American Regional Coordinator Lead. He is responsible for the R1-R7 Regional Leads in the competition and assists with ambassador preparation and oversight. Gavrilov is a recent Dean’s Honour List graduate from the University of British Columbia, majoring in Computer and Mining Engineering, and minoring in Commerce. He is currently working as a Data Analyst at Suncor Energy Inc. He has been an IEEE Student Member since 2016 and is serving as Vice-Regional Student Representative on the IEEE Canada Student Activities Committee. Gavrilov has received the IEEE Southern Alberta Undergraduate Leadership Award in 2017 and won Second Place in the Lance Stafford Larson Writing Award for his paper on Convolutional Neural Networks in 2019. He has completed research and published papers in the fields of Parametric Building Design, Biometric Facial Recognition Systems and Deep Learning. Some of his interests include public speaking, tennis coaching and game theory. This will be Gavrilov’s third year participating in the IEEEXtreme competition.

Rabia Munsaf Khan
Region 1 lead
Rabia Munsaf Khan
Rabia Munsaf Khan will serve as Region Lead for R1 in IEEEXtreme programming competition. She is a Fulbright PhD scholar specializing in Geospatial Information Science and Engineering from State University of New York – College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Her research is focused on water quality monitoring using multi source earth observation data. She is also working as 2021-2022 ASPRS Student Advisory Council Communication Councilor. She is also serving as Secretary for International Student Association SUNY ESF and Pakistan Student Association at Syracuse University. Rabia is also serving as Director Writing Team for a student run online magazine Earthly Perspective. While being in SUNY ESF she had an improbable opportunity to work on UN projects. She was also a session manager for technical sessions for IGARSS 2020 and also won second position in “Women in Geoscience” Inspire Us photo contest. She has had the honor of being featured in IEEE GRSS promotional video and IEEE magazine and also on “Women in Geospatial+” Linked page and “Sisters of SAR” twitter page. Rabia is also a quintessential altruist and has moderated and inspired hundreds of students in the past years through various social media platforms. In addition, her passion and inquisitiveness for solving environmental problems using geospatial technology, stands firm.

Bibek Upadhayay
Region 2 lead
Bibek Upadhayay
I am Bibek Upadhayay currently doing a Ph.D. at the University of New Haven. I am a Regional Lead for Region 2 and very excited about IEEEXtreme 15.0. I am an AI and ML enthusiast with interest in developing AI-based application and has always been in love with coding. One of my research work has been on Fake News Detection using deep learning models, which I presented at the 19th Annual IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). LinkedIn:

Sulochana Gore
Region 3 lead
Sulochana Gore is IEEEXtreme 15.0 Regional Lead Ambassador, Region 3 – USA. Sulochana is an IEEE Senior Member and affiliated to Women in Engineering. She has 12 years of experience in Research and Academics. Sulochana is a PhD in Computational Data Science and Engineering from NC A&T State University, USA. She has earned her Masters and Bachelors degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from India. Sulochana loves Bollywood music and dance.

Bohong Zhang
Region 4 lead
Bohong Zhang
Bohong Zhang is the IEEEXtreme 15.0 Regional Lead for Region 4, USA. He is a PhD candidate at Missouri University of Science and Technology, majoring in Electrical Engineering. Bohong has been an IEEE student member since 2015, also being a student member of the Optical Society. Bohong has received the second-place award at IEEE St. louis Section student presentation competition and published several papers under IEEE journals. His research is mainly focusing on Fiber-Optic Sensor design, Microwave Coaxial Cable design and Raman Spectroscopy.

Pedro Navarrete
Region 5 lead
Pedro Navarrete
Pedro Navarrete is the IEEEXtreme 15.0 Regional Lead for Region 5, Southwestern US. He is a graduate of the Computer Science Department at Harding University. Pedro has been an IEEE Student member since 2017 and is excited to participate for the third time in the IEEEXtreme competition. Some of his interests include web development and competitive programming where his teams have attained good standings at the ICPC and CCSC regional competitions.

Zhen Chen
Region 6 lead
Zhen Chen
Hi everyone, This is Zhen Chen from the region R6, IEEE Western US Section, I’m a Ph.D Electrical Engineering student at the University of California, Irvine. I am a member of IEEE and IEEE information theory. I took part in the IEEEXtreme 13, was an ambassador of IEEEXtreme 14 and now is the Section 6 Lead of IEEEXtreme 15. I love volunteering because it provides a sense of belongingness and love contributing to give back to the IEEE society!

Serena Tang
Region 7 lead
Serena Tang
Serena is a recent Electrical Engineering graduate specializing in computer intelligence at the University of Victoria (UVic).
She had a few technical internship experience at both public and private organizations in the areas of subway control system and IT.
Currently, she is working as an electrical engineer intern for medical-use cyclotron systems.
Serena is an active volunteer who holds/held more than one voluntary positions, selected positions:
– IEEE UVic Student Branch Vice Chair and treasurer
– IEEEXtreme 15.0 Canadian Regional Lead Ambassador
– UVic Engage Lead for first year Engineering students
– Fraser River Discovery Center part-time lecturer
– British Columbia Government Co-op Advisory Board Chair

Hassan El Shenawy
Region 8 lead
Hassan El Shenawy
Hassan El Shenawy is a volunteer for IEEE since 2013. He had participated in different levels of activities flipping between his local Student Branch, his Section and IEEEXtreme Programming Competition. There are two main activities he – and his colleagues of IEEEXtreme Ambassadors – have created and worked on. Firstly, A local gathering event for IEEEXtreme Competition which enables the students from all over the country to participate within a single venue. Secondly, a training camp for the students to help them be prepared for the competition. They succeeded to make different editions for the two events for different editions of IEEEXtreme Competition. On the technical side, Hassan is working as an Embedded Software Engineer and he enjoys programming the small computers he is working on. Hassan is from Tanta, Egypt, IEEE Region 8.

Weverton Domingos De Medeiros
Region 9 lead and design team volunteer
Weverton Domingos De Medeiros
Weverton Medeiros is the IEEEXtreme 15.0 Regional Lead for Region 9. He just finish his bachelor in Electrical Engineering at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil. Weverton has been an IEEE Student Member since 2017 and he is currently serving as Pre-Univ Educational Activities Coordinator on the IEEE Northeast Brazil Section Student Activities Committee and as the Educational Activities Coordinator on the IEEE Northeast Brazil Section main board. He study and work with Digital and Optics Communication and used to do projects in Machine Learning. He is passionate in humanitarian work, casual volleyball with friends, play board games and travel. This will be Weverton’s forth year participating in the IEEEXtreme competition.

Ketan K
Region 10 lead
Ketan K
Design Team

Mr.Soumith Nuguri
Design team lead
Mr.Soumith Nuguri
Soumith Nuguri is a graduate, he is a super active IEEE volunteer from the past three years. Considering his management, technical and communication skills, Xtreme introduced him as a speaker. Currently, he is the leader of the design and communications committee, Country lead (India) for the IEEEXtreme 15.0. Also worked in Planning and strategies estate along with the design team at Xtreme 14.0, soumith is always passionate about competitive programming, he always supports with unique ideas in the development of the activities that are carried out at Xtreme team. Soumith possesses good experiences at volunteering in IEEE, his efforts, commitment, and dedication are always appreciable. He is a board member at INDIAN ROBOTICS COMMUNITY, which is engaging with experts in Robotics Technology. Soumith is also IEEE Brand Ambassador, former Vice-Chairman at IEEE VEC-SB.

Design team Co lead

Francisco Joven Munar
Design team Co lead
Francisco Joven Munar

Remajothi S
Design team volunteer
Remajothi S

Gianny Nicolas Pereira Ariza
Design team volunteer
Gianny Nicolas Pereira Ariza

Jean Nicolás Marulanda Ceped
Design team volunteer
Jean Nicolás Marulanda Cepeda

Bowen Yu
Technical Lead
Bowen Yu
Bowen is a competitive programming enthusiast. His team won the 2nd Place in IEEEXtreme 8.0. He was the North America Champion at the ICPC World Finals 2014. He coached the NYU programming team between 2014 and 2018. Bowen serves as a judge and problem writer for various programming contests including IEEEXtreme (since 12.0), ICPC North America Championship/Regionals/Qualifiers, and the ProgNova contest series.

Wiwit Rifa’i
Technical Co-Lead
Wiwit Rifa’i
Wiwit Rifa’i is a competitive programmer from Indonesia. He currently works as a Software Engineer at Google. He has earned his bachelor degree in Informatics (Computer Science) from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
Wiwit started learning about programming since his college time. While in college, he won several programming competitions in Indonesia and also advanced to ICPC World Finals 2018 in Beijing. He also participated in IEEEXtreme 9.0 (6th place), IEEEXtreme 10.0 (13th place), and IEEEXtreme 11.0 (4th place).
He has also contributed some tasks for various programming competitions such as ICPC Asia Jakarta Regional Contest, APIO (Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad), and some local programming contests in Indonesia. He has been a judge and provided some tasks for IEEEXtreme since IEEEXtreme 12.0.

Dr. Nikolaos S. Papaspyrou
Dr. Nikolaos S. Papaspyrou
Nikolaos Papaspyrou is a software engineer at Google, working in Chrome/V8 (MUC). He’s also a professor (on leave) at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and a member of the Software Engineering Laboratory. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the NTUA (1998), a M.Sc. in Computer Science from Cornell University (1995) and a Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the NTUA (1993). He has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Yale University (2000-2001) and as a visiting researcher on sabbatical at Google’s compiler group (2015-2016). His interests lie in the area of programming language theory and implementation: semantics, type systems, compilers, static analysis, formal verification. Since 2006, he volunteers as a coach, problem setter and evaluator of students who participate in the Greek national contest in Informatics, organizes the preparation camp for the contest’s finalists, and participates as leader or deputy leader in many delegations of the Greek national teams to such programming contests.

Vicky Kontoura
Vasiliki Kontoura is a PhD candidate at the National Technical University of Athens.

Prof. Oded Margalit
Prof. Oded Margalit
Prof. Oded Margalit earned his PhD in Computer Science from Tel Aviv University in 1993, under the supervision of Professor Zvi Galil. He has been serving as a judge continuously since 2008, and was awarded the IEEE MGA Achievement Award. His professional experience contains, among others: Machine Learning; Constraint Satisfaction Programming; and Formal Verification, Currently, he is the CTO of Citi’s Security Innovation Center in Tel Aviv and a full professor adjunct to the computer science department at Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. He was the author of IBM research’s Ponder-This monthly challenge site from 2007 to 2020. An avid riddle and puzzle maven, Margalit has been known to focus this passion on setting up contests and challenges for coding, puzzle-solving, and mathematical challenges.

Sachin Bharadwaj S
Sachin Bharadwaj S

Kuida Liu
Kuida Liu
Kuida Liu is currently a Research Software Development Engineer at TuSimple, focusing on deep learning for self-driving trucks. He received his Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rice University in 2020 and Bachelor of Engineering in EE and Bachelor of Economics (for second Bachelor’s degree) from Tsinghua University in 2018, with honor. He participated in IEEEXtreme 12.0 in 2018 and his team ranked global 10th place.

Douglas Gischlar
Douglas Gischlar
Doug Gischlar is a Senior Innovation Project Manager at the IEEE. He has over 30 years’ experience in
Information Technology. He received his BS in Mathematics, BA in Geoscience and Master of Arts in
Teaching from Trenton State College.
His current role at the IEEE applies idea and innovative thinking-based approaches to projects, products,
and process development and improvements. He provides an idea submission workflow that allows for
ideas to be brought through the innovation process for review, collaboration, prototyping/proof of
concept, and decisions on a path forward.

Zhiruo Zhou
Zhiruo Zhou
Zhiruo is currently a Ph.D. student in Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California (USC), supervised by Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo. She received her B.E. degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology from Tsinghua University in 2018. Her research interests include computer vision and image processing.

Miguel Alessandro Miní
Miguel Alessandro Miní
My name is Miguel Miní, I have been ICPC finalists twice. My fields of interest are optimization and graph theory, especially combinatorial optimization. I like to play chess and I participated in the university federation.

Abhishek Verma
Abhishek Verma
I am currently a Computer Science Engineering undergraduate in my 3rd year at Thapar Institute Of Engineering and Technology, India.
I’m a competitive coder and have been doing competitive programming for the last 9 months. I am a 5-star rated coder at Codechef.
I have authored a few problems at Codechef online judge also. I love algorithmic problem-solving.
LinkedIn Profile:

Racso Galvan
Racso Galvan
Racso Galvan is a Computer Science student at Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. As a competitive programmer, his team qualified to ICPC World Finals Porto 2019 and Moscow 2021. He has also participated in IEEEXtreme from 10.0 until 14.0 (in the latter one his team got 5th place). He is currently part of the Scientific Committee of the Peruvian Olympiad in Informatics, for which he has been a judge since January 2021. His main research interests are string algorithms and automata theory.
Quality Assurance team

Haoqi Sheng
Haoqi Sheng
Haoqi Sheng is a quantitative investment manager at SD-Gold Asset management, developing “quantimental” strategies. He got MSc of Mathematical Finance in University of Birmingham and Bachelor of Physics in Peking Univerisity.

Sangeeta Mishra
Sangeeta Mishra
I am a pre-final year student at IIT BHU Varanasi. I have previously worked as a STEP Intern at Google. I enjoy solving algorithmic problems.