Yes, each Student Branch may have an unlimited number of teams, consisting of up to three IEEE Student Members, a maximum of two of which may be Graduate Student Members. To qualify to rank, receive digital certificates, and win prizes, each team must be confirmed and monitored by a proctor. One proctor can supervise a maximum of 20 teams. Note that a university without an IEEE Student Branch can also form unlimited teams.
All challenges can be answered in any of the supported languages, which are indicated at https://csacademy.com/about/environment/.
The unofficial results will be available in CSAcademy at the close of the competition. From the close of the competition the IEEEXtreme Technical team will be evaluating code submissions. IEEE reserves the right to disqualify a team if it’s found to have manipulated or cheated during the competition. The official results will be announced as soon as possible, usually within four weeks of the close of the competition. Winners will be contacted by IEEE directly.
Yes. For a start, taking advanced courses does not mean you’re necessarily better at programming. More importantly, this is all about the experience. IEEEXtreme is a lot of fun, and will help you face real-world problems that you may not see during college. Furthermore, the competition includes questions from various difficulties, from novice to expert levels.
All competitors whose teams score above zero (0) points during the competition, and do not get disqualified, will be eligible to download digital certificates of participation. Each member of teams with an official rank between 1st place to 100th place will be able to order prize packages which will be shipped to them free of charge. 1st place will win an expense-paid trip for each team member to the IEEE conference of their choice, anywhere in the world (up to a USD $10,000 value), each member of the 2nd place team will win USD $400, and each member of the 3rd place team will win USD $300.
The proctor should make sure that it is the team members working on the problems and no outside help is being provided from other individuals. The proctor should ensure that the student teams are not sharing code publicly or with other teams, which is strictly prohibited. In general, proctors help ensure that the students are comfortable and are able to get food, water, and exercise during the 24 hours. The main goal is for the participants to have fun. The students do not have to be isolated.
Sleep is part of making sure the team members are comfortable. The team members can sleep in shifts or whenever they choose to do so. The principal proctors for their teams can enlist the help of other registered proctors to work in shifts, and proctors can make their own arrangements for sleeping.
There may be some surprises, about every six to eight hours, so it is important to keep monitoring the contest.
For the 2024 competition, participants can use Chrome version 91, Firefox version 90, or Safari version 15.
If you are unable to secure a proctor for IEEEXtreme, please utilize the IEEE Collabratec network by visiting the following link: https://ieee-collabratec.ieee.org/app/my-network .
You can also visit registration tips page for more info.